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It is exactly nine months ago since your untimely departure. Your legacy will be cherished on this website: This is only the beginning…

26.09.1956 – 25.06.2021

Heaven has reaped a great humanist and stairway legend who will be eternally loved and remembered.
A devoted husband, loving father, brother, charming uncle, grandpa and friend.
Don’t weep for me, for I am your eternal Bonny; Just lying over the sea, rather, sing the best of L.Z. 

Rest in peace Chatsie
Sadly and eternally missed by friends and family, especially: Joy and family Julia and family Thomas and family Gaby and family.

They say when in the African forest a traditional healer dies, an encyclopedia of secrets gets lost. It is common knowledge that people who know secrets are not very fond to share it with others because then they cannot longer enjoy the advantages of this knowledge. 
Basically what counts for the African traditional healers also counts for pharmaceutical companies who analyze plants and trees to find magic power enabling them to protect with expensive patents. These companies as well as the cosmetic industry start to discover Moringa and some scientific institutions already started some thorough research on the medicinal effects of Moringa.

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Glavis – the perfect platform for adventure shopping; excellent natural tips for better hair, fashion, multilingual and intercultural heritage, healthy living, weight-loss, entrepreneurship, moral and economic development. We provide Mentorship and Counselling. 


Glavis’ journey started with a passion to empower the marginalised in the community. We use fabulous fashion and hair commodification, linguistic, as well as cultural diversity to inspire the unemployed to be creative, rather than depressive, and suicidal; to overcome poverty, marginalisation and domestic abuse. We strongly believe that if you train a woman, the global world is trained. Thank you for your company on this scary and transformational journey.